Aus Richtung Tettnang
Fahren Sie zunächst auf der B467 Richtung Lindau, nach ca. 3 km verlassen Sie an der Abfahrt “Langnau” die Bundesstraße und fahren immer auf der Vorfahrtsstrasse über Apflau, Unter- Oberlangnau, Hiltensweiler nach Wolfratz.
Aus Richtung Memmingen:
Sie verlassen die A96 an der Ausfahrt Weißensberg. Von dort über Rothkreuz, Rehlings, Oberreitnau Richtung Tettnang. Nach ca. 5km befindet sich links Ihr Ziel Wolfratz.
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We warmly welcome international guests to our beautiful holiday farm. Our holiday home is located in the very south of Germany, near Lake Constance and close to the Alps.
We offer different kinds of holiday apartments from small (up to four persons) to large (up to ten persons). As you tell from the pictures, there is a lot to discover for you and your family. Not only the stunning surroundings, also the playground, petting zoo or several recreation areas at our premises invite you to enjoy some relaxing days on the countryside. If you have any questions – don’t hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help and inform you about our services.
We speak German (of course), English, a little bit of French and all other languages with hands and feet. We look forward to welcome you at Haus Sonnenschein, which literally translates as "house sunshine".